These posts are focused on challenging popular misconceptions about Christianity held by professed Christians and non-professed Christians alike and on discovering what the Bible actually teaches. The goal is to help you believe and live true Christianity as a follower of Jesus or help bring clarity to you as you explore what faith in Him is all about. 

Can Christians Listen To “Secular” Music?

If you grew up in church like I did, you know that one of the most taboo things you can do in Christian culture is listen to "secular music” or be a secular entertainer. But is that really how God feels about secular arts and entertainment or is it just church tradition?   As a lifelong lover of music, entertainment…

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Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

***For a companion post, read my blog 8 Blogs & Videos for Christians Deciding What to Do About Halloween Some people might think asking questions like “should Christians celebrate Halloween” is just an excuse for believers to justify compromising with culture or a lazy attempt by Christian pastors and influencers to stay culturally relevant. I disagree. I think any sincere…

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How Christians Should Handle Personal Convictions and Gray Areas

A while back some friends and I got together for a movie night. After MUCH deliberation over what movie to watch (we’ve all been there, haven’t we?), we got so close to choosing a movie everyone agreed on…until one friend objected because it included some content that was disturbing to his conscience.   I remember getting so internally frustrated with…

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What Does It Mean To Be A Christian?

Sometimes I watch videos of people doing street surveys (because who doesn't love those, right?) Occasionally I come across a few asking about religion or spirituality. I’ve noticed that lots of people identify as Christian even though they reveal after further questioning that they don’t fully understand what Christianity is about or practice it. It’s more like a label to…

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Why Do Christians Celebrate Easter?

  What does it mean to celebrate Easter? For some it might include a meal with family, candy, egg hunts, or attending church (or all of the above) depending on what you understand the season to mean.   While I miss the days of waking up to an Easter basket filled with candy from my family…I mean from the Easter…

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Where Is God In Suffering? (Lessons From ‘The Shack’)

So I went to see The Shack. If you’re unfamiliar, The Shack is a movie starring Sam Worthington and Octavia Spencer, adapted from the novel by William P. Young.   The Shack tells the compelling story of Mack, a husband and father whose young daughter is abducted and killed in a shack during a family camping trip.  Mack receives a…

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God Doesn’t Give Up On You When You Make Mistakes

  How does God feel about you when you fail? Angry? Disappointed? Wants nothing to do with you anymore? If you’re like a lot of people, maybe these are some of the words that come to mind. I used to believe those things. For years, actually.   Even after becoming a Christian, I used to think that if made a…

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True Christianity Might Not Be What You Think It Is

Christianity may not be about what you think it's about. Jesus might be radically different than you think He is.   Here’s something you or someone you know may have experienced. You sincerely try to follow Jesus according to His truth. You eventually get confused or frustrated because somewhere in the ocean of well-intentioned self-righteous standards, popular theology of our…

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