Welcome to Living Authentic Christianity!

True Christianity might not be what you think it is.  Jesus might be radically different than you think He is. Living for Jesus doesn’t have to be confusing and burdensome. I’ve found that most of the time when people are put off by Jesus and Christianity–whether they are a skeptical seeker or a burdened believer– what they are really rejecting is misconceptions and misrepresentations of Jesus and Christianity, not the real thing.

Living Authentic Christianity practically equips seekers and believers to overcome popular misconceptions about the Christian life and follow Jesus biblically. My mission is to help you discover and live biblical Christianity, free from popular misconceptions and extra-biblical religious burdens. Just a real life of faith in the real Jesus.

Each blog post will challenge misconceptions about the Christian life from both within and outside of the Church, and share practical insights on how to live genuine faith in Jesus in your daily life. We’ll stay grounded in God’s Word–the Bible–every step of the way.

If you are a Christian, this is a place where you can grow. If you are learning about Christianity, this is a place where you can explore. Together, let’s get to the heart of what it really means to follow Jesus.

Where To Start

  • Get to know me here
  • Read the blog here
  • Listen to my debut EP, All For You here
  • Subscribe below to receive new posts from me via email on Mondays.