Does Prayer Really Change Things?

“The world starts changing when the Church starts praying.”  That’s a bold claim, isn’t it? Do you believe it’s true? That’s a lyric from the song When We Pray by Tauren Wells, which, FYI, is about to be your new jam if it’s not already, and is also a great song about the power of prayer. God calls His people…

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God’s Commands Are A Gift Not A Burden

I think I know everything and I hate being told what to do. There’s a bit of that in all of us right? (Please say yes and make me feel a little better about myself, k?) :-)   Jokes aside, the truth is there’s something in all of us that doesn’t like being told what to do and that thinks…

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4 Secrets To A Strong Prayer Life

"You need a stronger prayer life."  Those were the words I  heard God impress on my heart in January 2007 when I asked Him if there was a particular area He wanted me to grow in that year.  Little did I know that through responding to that simple phrase God would lead me down a path that would make prayer…

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Why Do Christians Celebrate Easter?

  What does it mean to celebrate Easter? For some it might include a meal with family, candy, egg hunts, or attending church (or all of the above) depending on what you understand the season to mean.   While I miss the days of waking up to an Easter basket filled with candy from my family…I mean from the Easter…

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3 Questions To Ask Before You Offer Criticism

A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flare.  Kind words are like honey-sweet to the soul and healthy for the body. (Proverbs 15:1 // Proverbs 16:24)   Words are powerful and the way we use them matters.   Too often we treat our world-especially our online world-as a place where we can carelessly throw out criticizing words…

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3 Simple Keys to Living a Godly Life

  "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled."  Those are the words of Jesus in Matthew 5:6 as He gave what is known as the Sermon On The Mount.  In this central teaching moment in the ministry of Jesus, He laid out the foundations for life according to His Kingdom. Righteousness in lifestyle is…

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Practical Thankfulness With Alicia Keys

Don't you love when art or culture teaches you a lesson about life with Jesus?  I do. Last week I shared with you that thankfulness isn't just for Thanksgiving but that you can live with thankfulness and peace every day by thanking God for what He has done in your life and talking to Him about what worries you.  That…

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