Comments Policy

Discussion in the comments should be respectful, helpful and encouraging.  Your contributions, questions and even different opinions are not only welcome, but vital to the conversations we have and the community we build here at Living Authentic Christianity.  A culture of love and honor toward one another even if we disagree is a core value here.  Therefore any inappropriate, off-topic or malicious comments may result in deleted comments or blocked users.

As far as links go, you are welcome to post a link to your site or blog post if it is relevant to the article and discussion.

Let’s learn together, grow together and be kind to one another!

Looking forward to great conversations,


Permissions Policy

I welcome you sharing the content you find on this site. I want to share the message of authentic Christianity with as many people as I can.  I want to connect and have conversations with as many people as I can.  I consider it an honor that you deem my content worth sharing and referencing in your our own articles!

You are free and encouraged to personally share my posts on social media via the social share buttons on the posts, pasting links through your social media, emailing to a friend etc.

You are free to link to my site or any post on my site in your own site or blog posts as long as you include my name and a link back to my original post.

You may quote short excerpts (not a post in its entirety) in your blog posts as long as you include my name and a link back to my original post.

To use any of my content for commercial purposes, my expressed permission is required.  You can reach me by filling my contact form.

Thanks for wanting to share the message of living authentic Christianity!