How to Apply the Church Sermon to Your Life

Hearing the Bible taught at church is a major part of our faith. As followers of Jesus, we gather regularly around the teaching of the Scriptures. A lot of us hear the message at church, take in information, maybe even have our hearts moved a little and then never think about it again. I know I’ve done that. So, here…

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How to Practically Participate in Corporate Worship

A massive part of our relationship with God as Christians is expressing worship to Him, especially when we gather as believers for church services. Have you ever wondered what to do during those worship times? Never fear! Here are some tips to help you connect with God and practically participate in corporate worship, whether you're musical or not. 1. Sing…

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Some Thoughts On Christians Falling Away From The Faith

There’s a been a lot of talk on the internet the past few weeks as some notable Christians have made public statements that they are falling away from the faith. I’ve been praying for them.   I thought it might be helpful to have a quick chat about what the Bible says about Christians falling away from faith in Jesus…

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How To Grow In Christian Community

The Christian life is meant to be lived in community with others doing the same. Sometimes we don't know where to start with getting involved in our church communities and building deep relationships with fellow Jesus followers, not just surface ones. Here are four tips to help you grow in Christian community. 1. Commit to a local church. "Let us…

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How To Get Better At Prayer

Prayer is one of those things Christians know we should do and even want to do, but a lot of us struggle with being overwhelmed by the concept of talking to God or not knowing where to start. So let's get super practical. Here are 6 ideas that will help you grow in prayer. Feel free to choose just one…

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Read more about the article How to Study the Bible
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

How to Study the Bible

Let's have a conversation about practical tools for Bible study! I didn't create the method I'm sharing with you here. I first learned it from David Helm's book, One-to-One Bible Reading, and from other teachings on the COMA Method online, but I did slightly put my own spin on it and adapt it for my time with God. For foundational…

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How to Get Better at Reading the Bible

As Christians, we know we're supposed to read the Bible, but honestly many of us struggle with getting started or knowing what to do. Some of my most precious and life-changing moments in my Christian walk have been meeting with God in the Bible, and I believe that can be true for you too. So, let me share a few…

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How to Pray for the Baptism in the Holy Spirit (Holy Spirit Part 5)

*This is the final post in on our series on the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts. If this topic is new for you, this blog will make more sense if you read the rest of the series for context. You can start here. How to Pray for the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and/or to Speak in Tongues Okay, we're…

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Why I Believe Speaking in Tongues Is for Today (Holy Spirit Part 4)

*Read my blogs 6 Common Questions About Speaking In Tongues Part 1 and Part 2 as a companion to this blog. When I was 14 years old, I was listening to worship music and singing to Jesus while I was waiting for a video game to load. Suddenly I felt the tangible presence of God overwhelm my entire body. I…

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How to Experience the Supernatural Gifts of the Holy Spirit (Holy Spirit Part 3)

So far, we’ve talked about what spiritual gifts are and how we can know God still works through them today. Now, let’s talk about how to experience these gifts in your life. 1. Don’t scoff at or forbid them. So, my dear brothers and sisters, be eager to prophesy, and don’t forbid speaking in tongues. (1 Corinthians 14:39) Do not…

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