How Should Christians Respond to Conspiracy Theories?

We’re living in weird times, right? Between a global pandemic, an intense U.S. election cycle in 2020, and the heightened mistrust many people have for culture and media, it seems like Christians have been either exposed to or caught up in conspiracy theories in an unprecedented way.   There’s a theme in 1 and 2 Timothy about overcoming deception and…

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How Should Christians Respond to the Presidential Election Results?

Conservative leaning Christians or progressive leaning Christians, I'm talking to all of us and everyone in between. :-)  Since we now have a projected winner of the 2020 Presidential Election, let me share some truths God's been calling me to hold onto that I believe He's calling all of His Church to hold onto as well.   These truths will…

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Why Should Christians Pray for Our Government?

*For more context to this conversation around God's design for government and Christian participation in politics, I encourage you to read my blog series How Should Christians Engage Faith and Politics.   What if in this politically intense and uncertain season God wants to form in His people a practice of praying for our government leaders and for our nation?…

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4 Tips for Christians Navigating Faith and Politics (Part 2)

Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash *This blog has been updated from its original 2017 version, What The Bible Really Says About How Christians Should Vote. As we wrap up this series on faith and politics, let's talk about where to place our hope as Christians and how to maintain Christian character and witness, especially when we disagree with others…

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4 Tips for Christians Navigating Faith and Politics (Part 1)

*This blog post has been updated and revised from its original 2016 version, 3 Simple Truths to Help You Navigate Faith and Politics. No topic has caused me more grief, confusion, and internal struggle than trying to figure out how to live faithfully as a follower of Jesus at the intersection of faith and politics. I’ve also made more mistakes…

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What You Should Know About Heaven and Eternity (End Times Part 5)

Throughout this series we’ve processed the outline of events leading up to the return of Christ and the moment He finally comes back to rapture His Church. In the final blog of this series, we’ll chat about what happens to the world after Jesus comes back and why Heaven might not be exactly what you think. Following the rapture and…

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Love Has A Name by Adam Weber-Book Review

Love Has A Name: Learning to Love the Different, the Difficult & Everyone Else by Adam Weber. What’s It About? In Love Has A Name, Adam Weber shares the stories of *twenty-seven different people God used to open his heart to love more fully. Adam shares personal, real-life experiences with people who’ve crossed his path. From those stories, he shares the…

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When Does The Rapture of the Church Happen? (End Times Part 4)

*In Part 5 we'll debunk some myths about what Heaven is like and what we'll do there. Head HERE to read. You’ve probably seen a version of the rapture dramatized in Christian fiction novels or movies like the Left Behind series. You know the drill: Christians suddenly snatched away, apparently leaving their clothes behind (yikes!), disappearing from earth, cars left…

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What’s Going To Happen When Jesus Returns? (End Times Part 3)

In Part 4 we'll talk about the different views on the timing of the rapture and which one I believe most lines up with the Bible. Head HERE to read. Does the thought of Jesus coming back freak you out? It's okay to be honest. It used to freak me out. We've all been slightly traumatized by cheesy Christian end…

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Are We Living In The End Times? (End Times Part 2)

In Part 3 we look at the biblical outline of major events leading up to and following Jesus' physical return. Head HERE to read. In Part 1, we learned that we don’t have to fear studying the end times and how important this topic is to our faith. Now, let’s dive into why Jesus has even promised to return in…

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